Late Quaternary prehistoric birds — Prehistoric birds are various taxa of birds that became extinct before recorded history, or more precisely, before they could be studied alive by bird scientists. They are known from subfossil remains and sometimes folk memory, as in the case of… … Wikipedia
Aves prehistóricas del Cuaternario tardío — Anexo:Aves prehistóricas del Cuaternario tardío Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para una lista de aves fósiles conocidas solamente por registro fósil, vea Lista de Aves fósiles. Para aves que se extinguieron desde el año 1500 d.C., vea Lista de… … Wikipedia Español
Список птиц Австралии — Содержание 1 Эндемики Австралии 2 Страусообразные Struthioniformes … Википедия
List of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic birds — This list is based on the Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds [ spp list.pdf list, May 2002 update] , with the doubtfuls omitted. It includes the birds of Australia, New Zealand,… … Wikipedia
List of birds of Australia — This list is based on the Birds Australia [ birdlist sept03.pdf list, September 2003] (PDF, free registration required).The Birds Australia list is considered unofficial. It is based on Christidis and… … Wikipedia
Птицы Австралии — Содержание 1 Эндемики Австралии 2 Struthioniformes 2.1 Struthionidae … Википедия
List of birds of Vanuatu — This is a list of the bird species recorded in Vanuatu. The avifauna of Vanuatu includes a total of 136 species, of which 9 are endemic, 8 have been introduced by humans, and 30 are rare or accidental. 12 species are globally threatened.This list … Wikipedia
List of birds of New Caledonia — This is a list of the bird species recorded in New Caledonia. The avifauna of New Caledonia includes a total of 189 species, of which 23 are endemic, 14 have been introduced by humans, and 48 are rare or accidental. 3 species listed are… … Wikipedia
List of extinct birds — This page refers only to birds that have gone extinct since the year 1500 A.D./C.E. and usually were subject to scientific study while alive.Since 1500, over 190 species of birds have become extinct, and this rate of extinction seems to be… … Wikipedia
List of things described as pied — Pied or Piebald generally means coloured black and white, although it is sometimes extended to mean parti coloured. Birds* Pied Avocet, Recurvirostra avosetta * Hinde s Pied Babbler, Turdoides hindei * Northern Pied Babbler, Turdoides hypoleuca * … Wikipedia
Liste der Vogelarten Atauros — Die Insel Atauro Diese Liste führt die bekannten Vogelarten auf der Insel Atauro auf. 2004 wurden auf der zu Osttimor gehörenden nördlich gelegenen Insel Atauro 84 Vogelarten erfasst.[1] 13 weitere kamen 2007 dazu. 67 der 97 Vogelarten werden als … Deutsch Wikipedia